Kenyan President William Samoei Ruto has shared his disappointment with the newly laid-down directive, which suggests that no political leaders will take part in Harambees going forward.
Addressing a gathering, the Kenya Kwanza leader said that he has no problem with not taking in Harambees but pointed out that it would then be nearly impossible to build churches.
“Mambo imebadilika kidogo imesemekana mambo ya kanisa tuweke kando kidogo. Kuna watu wametusukuma sana muwache Harambee kanisani sasa tunaulizana sasa tutajenga kanisa namna gani.
Nonetheless, he told the public to not stress themselves as much because they will be involved in the decision making whether they want the Harambees to continue or not.
Uzuri hiyo sheria italetwa kwenu kwa ile public participation…nyinyi ndio mutasema taratibu tutaweka ndio mambo ikue sawa ndio ufisadi isingiie kanisani, ukora isingie kanisani na twendelee kujenga kanisa kwa utaratibu amabayo iko na heshima ya mungu.” President Ruto said.
The Harambees had been banned because some political leaders were flaunting their riches there and others who were contributing were not doing it out of good will as they could give out having different agendas in mind.
President Ruto who was Speaking on Friday, July 5 2024, at State House, directed that there will be no state officer participating in public contributions going forward.
“No state officer or public servant shall participate in public contributions or Harambees going forward.” President Ruto said.