Kenya’s youngest Forex trader, Thee Pluto, has surprised his girlfriend, who is also the mother of his child, with a 4-bedroom apartment that is still under construction.

The Pluto who took his girlfriend out said the reason for the tour was to show her his future plans and endeavours that he has in store for the family.
In the video posted on Felicity Shiru’s YouTube channel, The 4 bedroom house is already up and the construction is still ongoing should you see their video on YouTube, you will get to see when he first started the foundation.
“Welcome to our ushago house in Ruiru that is under construction.” Then Pluto told Felicity.

Pluto, who assured Felicity that he has one more gift in store for her, this is all in regard to celebrate their anniversary.
According to Pluto, the house is supposed to be completed by August should all go well.
Thee Pluto now joins the list of the few celebrities that have built their own house.